80x86 (16-bit) Processor Registers

Register Full Name Intended Use
AX Accumulator General-purpose register, often used for arithmetic and logical operations
BX Base Register General-purpose register, often used as a pointer to data in memory
CX Counter Register General-purpose register, often used as a loop counter
DX Data Register General-purpose register, often used for I/O operations and as an extension of the AX register
SP Stack Pointer Pointer to the top of the stack
BP Base Pointer Pointer to the base of the stack frame
SI Source Index Pointer to the source operand in memory
DI Destination Index Pointer to the destination operand in memory
IP Instruction Pointer Pointer to the next instruction to be executed
CS Code Segment Pointer to the current code segment
DS Data Segment Pointer to the current data segment
SS Stack Segment Pointer to the current stack segment
ES Extra Segment Pointer to an additional data segment