Register | Full Name | Intended Use |
AX | Accumulator | General-purpose register, often used for arithmetic and logical operations |
BX | Base Register | General-purpose register, often used as a pointer to data in memory |
CX | Counter Register | General-purpose register, often used as a loop counter |
DX | Data Register | General-purpose register, often used for I/O operations and as an extension of the AX register |
SP | Stack Pointer | Pointer to the top of the stack |
BP | Base Pointer | Pointer to the base of the stack frame |
SI | Source Index | Pointer to the source operand in memory |
DI | Destination Index | Pointer to the destination operand in memory |
IP | Instruction Pointer | Pointer to the next instruction to be executed |
CS | Code Segment | Pointer to the current code segment |
DS | Data Segment | Pointer to the current data segment |
SS | Stack Segment | Pointer to the current stack segment |
ES | Extra Segment | Pointer to an additional data segment |