My smol blogging platform made in C

Published: 2024-12-29 17:07

Category: general

I was not satisfied with any of the blogging platfom so I made my own with black jack and h00kers.
It is a single C file that compiles to less than 12KB of Linux binary.

You interact with it with files. Project has this structure:
* /working_dir/
* /generate/
* /public_html/
* /templates/

/working_dir/ is where all the text files are organized in folders. Each folder is a tag.
/generete/ is where the engine looks for a new files to cranch. It will move it to the /public_html/ folder and update the index file.
/templates/ keeps template files for the layout of the blog.

It is simple, lean and easy to use.

How to compile:
* gcc smolblog.c -o smolblog
* upx smolblog

* ./smolblog
* copy text files into the /generate/ folder
* serve contents of /public_html/

This project was an experiment. A simple solution to my unconventional problem. It worked out better than I anticipated.
Thanks to C and lack of external dependencies it is portable.

If you are interested in details, github link is in the footer.

Have fun!