smol ASM Viewer

            ; Example Assembly Program
            ; Demonstration of smol ASM Viewer
            ; Description:
            ;   This is a simple example to demonstrate how the smol ASM Viewer formats and displays assembly code.
            ;   It shows how titles, descriptions, and code sections are rendered.
            ORG 100h
            ; === Initialization ===
            ; This section initializes the data segment and registers.
            MOV AX, @DATA      ; Load data segment address
            MOV DS, AX         ; Initialize data segment
            XOR AX, AX         ; Clear AX register
            MOV CX, 10         ; Set loop counter to 10
            ; === Main Loop ===
            ; Performs a simple loop operation.
                INC AX         ; Increment AX
                DEC CX         ; Decrement loop counter
                JNZ LOOP_START ; Jump if CX not zero
            ; === Termination ===
            ; Ends the program execution gracefully.
            MOV AH, 4Ch        ; DOS terminate program function
            INT 21h            ; Call DOS interrupt

Download this example.asm and load into the viewer.